How to register for/donate to Buddy Walk

Registration is free and includes an event t-shirt
Reading the instructions below the button before registering is strongly recommended.
Only then... click on the button immediately below. Once on the Registration/Donation website, click on the "Register" button to get started.
Captains. When clicking button above, click "Create a Team" if you're starting from scratch. Create your team page during the registration process, and you can update it any time through your login. Once your team is created, others may join it by clicking the "Register" button, then "Join a Team" and choosing the team from the list. From there, team members can create their individual fundraising profiles and goals, which will roll-up to the team level.
As a team captain you'll have the added ability to:
- Track if team members have completed actions likely to increase the team's success
- Pin important posts to the message board
- Invite new team members
- Thank donors who have given to the team
Team Members (2 options).
1) Opt-out of fundraising by checking the following boxes. You will only need one email address for all members of your family registering with you this way.
Attendee info - Click on "This ticket is for me.
Let's set some goals - Click on Opt out of fundraising (you will not receive a fundraising page and will not be visible on public team or campaign pages - the true total number on your team will be tallied on our website "Top Teams/Fundraising" page.
Just a few more things - Please indicate your t-shirt size (select)
2) Creating an Online Fundraising Page
Register under your team's name with your own email address. After you register, customize your personal fundraising page by editing default text, uploading personalized pictures and changing the colors of your page.
Spread the Word
Once your personal fundraising page has been set up, you can send emails to your friends and family by clicking "Share" then "Share via Email or Text". The emails will provide a direct link to your personal page where your friends and family can make a donation on your behalf. We've even written some sample emails to help get you started!
Changes to page (everyone).
All edits can be completed by clicking the "Edit Page" link on your personal or team page. You can make changes to your page as many times as you’d like.
Can't Attend?
If you are unable to attend the Buddy Walk, you can simply make a charitable donation to help support the Buddy Walk by clicking on the "Donate" button.